The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory

The Royal Runaway

The Royal Runaway Book Summary

“The Royal Runaway” is the beautiful and harmony book about truth, history and intrigue in real life. Lindsay Emory is the author of this book. In this book, the author explains the whole story that is last week on one of the hottest days of summer, we took a road trip with a couple of friends and we decided that ice cream would be the perfect treat to cool us off. As we are driving, all of us are talking about what flavour of ice cream we are going to get. You can’t go wrong with vanilla or then her mind wandered to the rich, decadent, exotic taste of chocolate. She walks up to the counter, money in hand, still debating the voices in my head when the decision became so simple. The characters are mysterious, royal, and well-connected. The plot is an action-packed adventure brimming with politics and romance. Basically, the whole story is based on the girl that is so rich and belongs to the richest family. The plot is fascinating and well written. Every word of the story gives some important meaning. The plot may differ but that entertaining, fun quality with a touch of a fairy-tale is there. We would highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in romantic comedy.

The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory Download

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