The Porn Star Murders Book Summary
The Porn Star Murders is the thriller, mystery, fiction, redemption and mystery novel that covers the story of a family who brutally killed in their home. Victor Methos is the guy behind this classy novel. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Blum family was killed in 2016 in their home. They were brutally killed by the killers and no one ever found the person behind these murdered. This case first file in 2006 when Detective Jon recently join the police department. Jon did his best to find the suspects but never able to make any arrest. He spends a few months on the case but in the last, all vanished and nothing was meaningful. After a few months, the case was closed but Jon still has a copy of the case in his home. A prisoner wanted to meet Jon and he has many things to tell. He wanted to confess all of his murders that includes the adult film stars and a family. This sadistic killer wanted a change that could lead him towards his purpose of life. He has many things to tell but he will only tell Jon. Jon does not know that he is going to meet a man who he is hating for several years.
The Porn Star Murders by Victor Methos Download
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