Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree Book Summary
Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree is the romantic, literature, thriller and fiction novel which describe the story of two cousins who love each other. Santa Montefiore is the author of this classy novel. Sofia is a beautiful girl who lives happily with her family. Everything around her was great and she just finished her college. Sofia and her cousin have a strong bond of friendship and they secretly love each other. In her religion, it’s prohibited to marry with your cousin. Their relation is full of love and romance but their families do not know about it. They both grown up together and shared a lot of good memories together. Kevin knew what is going to happen if they revealed their relationship. They have decided to keep it secret and wait for the perfect time to reveal. One day, Sofia’s mother see them kissing in the balcony at midnight. Her mother was not ready for this and she knows how the community will react when they find out the relation between them. She has decided to send Sofia far away to Europe for her higher education. Her name was Anna and once she decides something no one can stop her. Sofia did not want to go but there is nothing which stops her mother. Will Sofia break all the rules and get her love?
Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree by Santa Montefiore Download
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