London by Edward Rutherfurd


London Book Summary

London is a historical fiction that covers almost two thousand years of history. Edward Rutherfurd is the author of this novel. Edward Rutherford has spent much of the last 30 years living in New York and Connecticut. If you are interested in history at all, you will love this story of London. It is an easy read and the pages just fly by. This is a long book and it is highly informative about the history of Great Britain and neighboring countries. It would be a good read for anyone preparing to tour England. The story begins circa 56 B.C. and follows several pseudo families and their antecedents through World War II. The author explores location history in a fashion similar to James Michener, but with livelier characters. Descriptions are excellent. He does not use a chronological sequence, so some readers may feel a bit out of sorts as they jump from one century to another. In short, if you ever have the privilege of traveling to London we highly recommend reading this before you go to gain an even deeper appreciation for the great city.

London by Edward Rutherfurd Download

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