Last of Her Name by Jessica Khoury

Last of Her Name

Last of Her Name Book Summary

Last of Her Name is the literature, science fiction, teen, fantasy and thriller novel which describe the story of a sixteen-year-old girl who came from another world. Jessica Khoury is the author of this stunning novel. Stacia is the main protagonist in the story. She is a beautiful and straight forward girl who is just sixteen-year-old. Stacia spends her entire life with her parents and two best friends in a vineyard. She has a quite balanced and cheerful life with her friends Pol and Clio. One day a spaceship from another world who were in search of Princess Anya. Stacia does not know she is one whom they are looking for. Sixteen years ago on the planet of rebellion swept galaxy, a rebel group killed all the family members of Leonov. The whole Leonov royal family is killed brutally to their small kids except Princess Anya. Someone send her to earth where she founded by her parents on the road. They take Anya and raise Anya as their own kid. She does not know about her reality either her parents. Now, Anya knows everything and ready to surrender but her friends won’t allow her to do that. They make a plan to hide in their spaceship and secretly go with them. Unfortunately, Clio gets caught by the aliens but Pol successfully smuggles Anya to escape. Will Anya able to save her friend and take the revenge of her family?

Last of Her Name by Jessica Khoury Download

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