Books by Mark Murphy


Beginning Android 3

The vibrant and rich Android development platform, created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, continues to be a platform in its truest sense, encompassing hundreds of classes beyond the traditional Java classes and open source components that ship with the software development kit. Android’s continued growth includes support for Flash and Flash gaming apps, Wi-Fi tethering, improved performance, WebM or WebMedia integration for HTML5-based video and other multimedia APIs, Chrome OS (WebOS) integration, and more.


Hard Goals

Hard Goals is the decision making, leadership training and management science book which shares the proven techniques and tips to conquer your goals. Mark Murphy is the author of this magnificent book. Do you wanted to increase the sales of your product, wanted to get promoted or wanted to change the world? What makes Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs different, and how they able to achieve such big milestones in their life. Are they more motivated and disciplined for you or they are just luckier people? The answer is that they were both motivated and disciplined then you guys.