The Summer We Fell by Amber Garza

The Summer We Fell

The Summer We Fell Book Summary

“The Summer We Fell” is a great and beautiful story about love. Amber Garza is the author of this book. In this book, the author describes a teenager who is coming to terms with his feelings for the girl in love. This book balanced plot movement with obvious romance and still managed a splash of action. The connection between Sloane and Cruz is the kind that brings light, happiness and a permanent smile as they fall for each other. Their love is like an epiphany a sudden realization that forever has been right in front of them and it is breathtaking to watch. This story is just about two guys trying to win Sloane over. There are also side stories throughout the book about issues in both Sloane’s and Cruz’s family as well as something going on with Adam is the other character that he is trying to keep secret. These issues present pleasant twists to the story that add to the love triangle as opposed to taking away from it. Sloan was a strong character but a bit naive in relationships. She is trying to overcome a huge obstacle that she keeps a secret and hides for a long time. Their playfulness, the way they just get each other in a simple, soul-deep way is the kind of love that fairy tales. We would highly recommend this book because it is a nice light read about a love triangle mixed with great side plots. You can also Download White Rose, Black Forest by Eoin Dempsey PDF.

The Summer We Fell by Amber Garza Download

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