The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde

The Brightsiders

The Brightsiders Book Summary

The Brightsiders is a perfect book that deals head-on with issues of mental health, body shaming, sexuality, and internet celebrity, handling them with a delicate and skillful touch. Jen Wilde is the author of this book. Jen is a writer, geek, and fangirl with a penchant for coffee, books and pugs. She writes YA stories about zombies, witches, fangirls and rockstars. Her novel “The Brightsiders” follows Emmy King and her bandmates as they learn what it means to be famous. For Emmy, that results in some emotional/mental abuse on the part of her wannabe parents and her girlfriend, Jessie. Emmy has followed her parents’ bad examples and finds, upon reflection, that she’s really not the person she wants to be. Her bandmates and friends try to help her cope by whisking her way on vacation. Emmy confronts a lot of her inner demons and along the way, falls in love.

The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde Download

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