Daughters of the Lake by Wendy Webb

Daughters of the Lake

Daughters of the Lake Book Summary

“Daughters of the Lake by Wendy Webb” is the wonderful story of love, family, betrayal, and ultimately murder. Wendy Webb is the author of this novel. In this novel, the author describes the story that takes us back and forth between the past and presents creating a tale of strength and beauty. The author has an imagination that is captivating and resourceful. He captures the wild untamed beauty of the region both in modern times and at the turn of the last century. The characters are all very static provide a lot of development. The plot seems half thought out and left a lot of questions and at times was just too unbelievable. The history of the woman on the beach is recounted from her improbable birth to her tragic death. The mystery mixed with local legends and love that surpassed time is the perfect weave to keep me turning pages until late at night. The main character of Daughters is recovering from a hideous breakup with her unfaithful husband. To mend her spirits she is shoring up at her parents’ beloved lake house. It is a bit of a supernatural thriller in which the spirit of Lake Superior lives on in a family. Many of the women in that line have dreams about the past or the future. The story has more twists and turns. This is a very wonderful and amusing well-written novel. We would recommend this to anyone who loves a well-written mystery. You can also Download She Wore Red Trainers by Na’ima B. Robert PDF.

Daughters of the Lake by Wendy Webb Download

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